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  • ASICE - Programa EDICE ASICE - International Association for Communication Studies in Spanish
Keywords: masthead




María Eugenia Flores Treviño, Armando González Salinas -v-vi

Working papers

The ES.VAR.ATENUACIÓN form. A tool customizable for every genre? The case of oral trials
Cristina Villalba Ibáñez - 237-260

The attenuation in asymmetric interactions between a man and a woman. A qualitative analysis of conversations between professionals in Mexico City and Santiago, Chile
Juana Puga Larraín, Lucila Gutiérrez - 261-287

The cyber-attenuation of politeness in university academic environments, in Venezuela and Chile
Yalena Carolina César Vera - 288-310

Attenuation in the translation of bilingual journalistic texts
Armando González Salinas, Adriana R. Rodríguez Althon - 311-331

Attenuation in the dubbing and subtitling of The Green Mile
Lidia Rodríguez, Gabriela S. Alanís Uresti - 332-359

Routine formulas as a tool for politeness in the sociolinguistics interview. An application to the discourse of speakers over 54 years old
Yazmín M. Carrizales, Lidia Rodríguez Alfano - 360-383

(Im)politeness and argumentation in the discourse of politicians (Mexico-Cuba relations)
Graciela Sánchez Guevara, María Eugenia Flores Treviño - 384-417

The figure of the woman: (im)politeness and image construction of the woman in the blog Testoterona
Adriana Regina Dantas Martins, Geórgia Maria Feitosa e Paiva - 418-440

Identity, face and (im)politeness in Cartagena de India (18th century). Dialogues emerging from an ethnic confrontation
Micaela Carrera De la Red - 441-471

Pragmatic-rethorical resources for narratives of complaint in the social construction of identity from women displaced by political violence in Colombia
Yudi Herrera Núñez - 472-493


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Author Biography

ASICE - Programa EDICE, ASICE - International Association for Communication Studies in Spanish

Texts in Process (TEP) publishes materials that show theoretical reflections, methodological or partial research results. The publication is proposed as an agile channel for the dissemination of preliminary results of an ongoing research project. In particular, TEP disseminates texts that provide thematic, theoretical, empirical and terminological initiatives within the area of pragmatics, sociopragmatics and sociocultural pragmatics.

How to Cite
EDICE, A.-. (2015). Masthead. Texts in Process, 1(2), i-iv. Retrieved from

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