Texts in Process
<p><em>Texts Process</em> (<strong>TEP</strong>) publishes scientific materials on language and linguistics of Spanish. <strong>TEP</strong> accepts working papers, drafts of partial research results, conference presentations, technical reports or research records. All manuscripts are reviewed and approved by members of the Editorial Committee, the Academic Committee and through a double-blind peer-review process involving international experts. <strong>TEP</strong> publishes one volume per year, with two issues in July and December. <strong>TEP</strong> is an electronic open access publication charges for authors without charges or embargoes to authors or readers.</p>ASICE-Programa EDICEen-USTexts in Process2001-967X<p><em>Texts in Process</em> (<strong>TEP</strong>) is a <strong>non-commercial open-access scholarly journal</strong> governed by a <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.es" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Recognition 4.0 International license</a>. It follows a full and unrestricted open access, without charges or fees for shipping, reviewing, processing and publishing articles. Users can read, download without registering, distribute, print or link the complete texts of numbers and articles, without the permission of the editors or authors. There is also no charge to publish (APCs), being applicable to the entire editorial process. The authors retain their intellectual rights at all times.</p> <p>ASICE-EDICE Programme has always believed that non-commercial, open, unlimited and unrestricted access to specialized academic publications is a vehicle for academic freedom and scientific rigor. It adheres and shares the <a href="http://www.accesoabiertoalyc.org/declaracion-mexico/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Declaration of Mexico</a> and <a href="https://sfdora.org/read/es/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DORA</a> to guarantee the protection of academic and scientific production in Open Access.</p>Table of Contents
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2025-02-152025-02-15102iiiiParadigm shift in presidential communication: a disruptive role face. The case of Argentinean President Javier Milei
<p>From a sociocultural pragmatic perspective, face is recognized as the positive image that an individual has of themselves in relation to others (Goffman, 1967). As Bernal (2006) asserts, it has a public and interpersonal nature. For the analysis of the selected corpus, we adopt the concept of role (Goffman, 1961), which we approach through the framework proposed by Hernández Flores (2006), who argues that role "refers to general social characteristics, to others performed in a specific situation, and to others of a discursive nature according to the acts performed" (pp. 637-638). The sociocultural characteristics of the context define both role and face, allowing us to explain the needs behind the speakers’ face and the communicative strategies chosen. The purpose of this qualitative-exploratory study is to determine the change in the the presidential role face based on discursive behavior. We analyze a corpus of 50 speeches by the Argentine president— taken from the official government website and the social network X. Methodologically, we adopt the analyst's introspection (Bravo, 1999) and what we call media consultation. The corpus shows verbal behaviors that constitute role activities which are not in alignment with the expected discursive activities for the social presidential model.</p>Cristina del Valle NúñezElisabeth Andrea Di Nardo
2025-02-152025-02-1510211710.17710/tep.2024.10.2.1delvalle_dinardoText, voice messages, emoji, sticker? Mode choice in WhatsApp interactions
<p>From a pragmatic sociocultural perspective, this work studies an aspect that is still underdeveloped in the field of Digital Discourse Analysis: how speakers perceive the change of mode in the messages exchanged in WhatsApp conversations, more specifically, the transition from text to audio or image. To address this objective, we combine three phases in our methodological approach. First, we analyse the comments circulating in internet as memes about the change of mode. Second, we detect situations of mode change in CoDICE corpus. From these two exploratory steps, we designed a social habits test to identify the sociocultural premises underlying these choices. The instrument was applied to a universe made up of 74 WhatsApp users between 19 and 70 years old, Spanish speakers from Argentina and Spain. The results indicate that speakers combine the forms of communication (written text, audio messages, emojis or other images) for strategic purposes. Likewise, the selection of one or the other modality and, more specifically, the passage from one to the other during an exchange entails social meanings whose effects are projected on the management of the communicative links of the participants.</p>Lucía CantamuttoCristina Vela Delfa
2025-02-152025-02-15102184010.17710/tep.2024.10.2.2cantamutto_velaThe corpus of spontaneous conflictive conversation ESPRINT
<p>This work presents the design of a corpus of spontaneous conflictive conversations between intimate partners and families, as well as the data obtained in its composition. The first section justifies the need to compile linguistic materials of this nature. This corpus fills a methodological and bibliographic gap in the study of informal conversation, complementing the well-established tradition of corpora focused on “harmonious” colloquial conversations. The second section outlines the challenges involved in designing this corpus at each stage —recording, transcription, storage, and accessibility— while addressing the different perspectives involved: legal, methodological, technical, and conceptual, the latter concerning how a communicative conflict is identified. The third section presents the corpus itself, providing details on the data obtained from the conversations and their participants, along with a thorough description of its characteristics.</p>Marta Albelda Marco
2025-02-152025-02-15102416210.17710/tep.2024.10.2.3albeldaBook review of Flores Treviño, M. E. (2024). Dispositivos discursivos del poder. Política, educación y género
<p>Book review</p>María Soledad Funes
2025-02-152025-02-15102636710.17710/tep.2024.10.2.4resfunesBook reviw of Flax, R., Hellín, L., Hernández, G., Martínez Romagosa, M., Nudelman, M., Raiter, A., Testoni, F., Venturini, A. V., Zukerfeld, G. y Zullo, J. (2023). Heteróclito y multiforme: debates y propuestas para analizar discursos
<p>Book review</p>Ailén Campos