Volume 4 (2018)

and Usted in Mexico City. How much and how does gender, age, and instruction affect them?
Cristal Yeseidy Cepeda Ruiz

No one is perfect: a dimensional discursive semantic analysis of Rufo Caballero’s film critique
Yamila Cobos Castillo

Politeness, power and solidarity: perception of university teachers on the use of the pronominal system in the classroom
Yliana Rodríguez

On subjective (and intensifier) I think (that) in parliamentary debate sessions
María Amparo Soler Bonafont

Geolectal Dictionary of Cuba. Aspects of the lexicographical plant
Aurora Camacho Barreiro, Yurelkys Palacio Piñeiro, Elisa García González, Lorena Hernández Valdés, Amalia Triana Orozco, Kelly Linares Terry

Gender normative and non-normative morphemes usages study: preference, tolerance and refuse on autoidentification
Adrián Rodríguez Iglesias

The own and the other in narratives about witchcraft of the northeast of Mexico
Gabriel Ignacio Verduzco Arguelles, María Eugenia Flores Treviño

Forms of address as a strategic activity and as an index of categorization within societies of approximation or distancing
Ramiro Carlos Humberto Caggiano Blanco, María Zulma M. Kulikowski

A preliminary study of refusals in the Brazilian and Spanish cultures: an analysis of external modifiers employed in e-mails and private messages on Facebook
Sara González Berrio, Susana Martín Leralta, Nildicéia Aparecida Rocha