Self-image in intercultural politics: contrasting analysis of the discourses of Marine Le Pen and Margarita Zavala
This article addresses the study of a contrastive analysis of two interviews: one by Marine Le Pen and another by Margarita Zavala, former candidates to the presidencies of France and Mexico, being the center of the study the manifestations of self-image in their discourses. The aim is to explain how the discursive and social specificities of a language condition the use of self-image to communicate a message. It was decided to classify in three categories the self-image used in discourses, according to the theories of Kaul (2008) and Brenes (2014): enhancement, disqualification of the opposite political option and strategic use of the role played. It was concluded that self-image did have an impact beyond the discourse of the former candidates, since their popularity was affected by the excessive use of this image activity. The contrastive study revealed that both the French of France and the Spanish of Mexico have discursive specificities directly linked with the culture and social conventions of each language, which are decisive for the correct interpretation of what is communicated in each of the political discourses chosen for this inquiry.
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