From space to causation: the polysemic item of the Spanish preposition por
There is no consensual description of the semantic characterization of preposition por in grammar studies. There is a lack of systematization of its uses, which are usually listed as unrelated items (as seen on Esbozo (Real Academia Española, 1973), in De Bruyne (De Bruyne, 1999) and in Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española, (Real Academia Española, 2009)). But there is also the opposite problem: the reduction to a single value, as seen in Fernández Lagunilla & Anula Rebollo (Fernández Lagunilla & Rebollo, 1995), where the meaning of por is reduced to [+cause] (1995: §
Given this lack of consensus, this article proposes a semantical description of the preposition por, following the theoretical guidelines of the Prototypical Cognitive Approach, and mainly Lakoff’s theory of radial categorization (Lakoff, 1987). Thus, different semantic values of the preposition por are organized systematically, so that they pragmatically-semantically constitute a polysemic item. The most prototypical pragmatic-semantic attribute is [+Locative]. Por constructions that diverge from said prototypical meaning are still dependent on it, through addition/subtraction of attributes, diminution/augmentation of certain others, or presence of attributes which are not to be found in the prototypical area. To demonstrate this hypothesis, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the corpus PRESEEA-Buenos Aires (2010-2011) was made.
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