Impoliteness and sexist behaviours reproduced by women in the River Plate culture
In this study we analyze impolite facework activities arising from sexist verbal behaviors internalized and recreated by women themselves. These behaviors contribute to shaping the feminine social identity in the culture of Rio de la Plata in Argentina. Such facework activities are extracted from a corpus of media discourse collected on the Internet. This research is framed theoretically and methodologically in the sociocultural pragmatics, and in the analysis of impoliteness discourse within Spanish variety of Rio de la Plata. The results show that, on the one hand, sexist and impolite verbal behaviors assumed as their own by women contribute to promoting and propagating the androcentric ideology of the universe of beliefs of these women’s group; on the other, they ensure the survival of cultural premises that represent negative stereotypes of the female social face.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Silvia Kaul de Marlangeon

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