Language as a condition of the subject: a proposal for L2 acquisition from structural interactionism
In the field of second language acquisition (SLA), different theoretical and methodological frameworks coexist, not always free of frictions. In this paper we present the epistemological notions of language, acquisition and method underlying the main theories in this area, based on studies of first language acquisition (L1). These theories are generativist or innativist, cognitivist or interactionist, constructivist and sociocultural. From here, we will present our proposal in process (Bruzzo, 2020): a research in Spanish as a second and foreign language (ELSE, in Spanish), based on Claudia de Lemos' L1 acquisition theory (2000a, 2000b, 2002), structural interactionism and its methodology, French-Brazilian discourse analysis. Finally, we will point out the results obtained, in order to glimpse how the conception of acquisition understood as a process of capture and subjectivation would be reflected in a possible theory of ASL.
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