A pragmatic analysis of ironic and humoristic speech acts in the comments published on the Facebook pages of four Costa Rican newspapers
This article examines the computer-mediated communication on the social media platform “Facebook” from a cyber-pragmatic and socio-critic perspective. The use of irony, humor and socio-humor is analyzed in 30 comments distributed in 16 examples, which were extracted from the Facebook pages of 4 Costa Rican newspapers: La Nación, Diario Extra, Semanario Universidad and CRHoy, to refer to their functions at both discursive and social levels. In the sample, the use of irony was prevalent, as a resource to transmit the social discontent that was felt towards the political situation that the country was going through at the time the comments were collected. We also found cases of humor and socio-humor (reinforcement caused by a mixture of humor and irony), as well as the abundant use of non-verbal (mainly emojis) resources which allowed users to emphasize the ironical speech act. This study follows other research that examines the use of irony, humor and socio-humor in social networks, and it leads the way to future research in Costa Rica in this field, where articles on cyber-pragmatics and computer-mediated discourse analysis are still scarce.
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