Editorial Board, Legal Matters, Table of Contents
Research paper
Gender normative and non-normative morphemes usages study: preference, tolerance and refuse on autoidentification
Adrián Rodríguez Iglesias – 123-158
Working Papers
The own and the other in narratives about witchcraft of the northeast of Mexico
Gabriel Ignacio Verduzco Arguelles, María Eugenia Flores Treviño – 159-173
Forms of address as a strategic activity and as an index of categorization within societies of approximation or distancing
Ramiro Carlos Humberto Caggiano Blanco, María Zulma M. Kulikowski – 174-193
Preliminary study about the rejection in the Brazilian and the Spanish cultures: external modifiers employed in email and private messages in Facebook
Sara González Berrio, Susana Martín Leralta, Nildicéia Aparecida Rocha – 194-218

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