Geolectal Dictionary of Cuba. Aspects of the lexicographical plant
The Geolectal Dictionary of Cuba (DiGeCu) is an ongoing lexicographical project of the Institute of Literature and Linguistics of Cuba. It is proposed to order and lemmatize the geolectal information gathered by the linguistic Atlas of Cuba (ALCu) -principal result of the project “Elaboration of the Linguistic Atlas of Cuba (ALCu)” - published in five volumes. This article collects some aspects of the lexicographical plant (drafting plan) of the DiGeCu. This work is novel because it takes unprocessed geolectal information for lexicographic purposes and organizes, analyzes, processes and lemmatizes it. Its originality lies in its own source, the geolectal data itself and its methodological approaches, arising from Hispanic practices and the contribution of the team itself, composed of specialists in dialectology and lexicography. The Geolectal Dictionary and the academic works derived from it will undoubtedly be a fundamental source not only for other companies of this type, but also for studies on the Spanish of Cuba from different points of view; since there will be an inventory of Cuban atlas units processed with lexicographical rigor.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Aurora Camacho Barreiro, Yurelkys Palacio Piñeiro, Elisa García González, Lorena Hernández Valdés, Amalia Triana Orozco, Kelly Linares Terry

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