Linguistic ideologies of students entering an Argentine university

Keywords: linguistic diversity, university beginner students, linguistic ideologies, academic writing, dropout


This work is part of the PROAPI Research Project “Reading and writing in the initial cycle of the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda”. One of the axes developed in it is linguistic diversity in relation to academic writing processes. A significant percentage of our students are in a situation of languages ​​in contact, they can even be considered bilingual in a broad sense (Speranza, 2012). Considering these specificities in the academic field helps prevent linguistic differences from becoming linguistic inequality with the consequence of abandonment of university studies. Therefore, in the first stage of the investigation, we conducted a survey of incoming students, whose partial result we are interested in exhibiting in this work. One of the questions was to describe with a word or phrase a list of languages ​​that were offered in order to identify linguistic ideologies (del Valle, 2007). From the analysis carried out, it is observed that the predominant linguistic ideologies on the Quechua and Guaraní languages are built, on the one hand, in negative terms of emptiness and enigma, as an unknown terrain of which little and nothing can be said, and on the other, in terms affirmative based on the ideas of ethnicity and foreigners.


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Author Biographies

Ivana Casas, Support, Retention and Permanency Program, Academic Secretariat, National University of Avellaneda

Bachelor in Journalism from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Lomas de Zamora. There she works as an assistant in the Chair of Journalism and Literature. Since 2014, she has worked with entrants at the National University of Avellaneda, being part of different programs, developing pedagogical and didactic strategies in order to help making inclusion at the university to be possible.  

Julieta Gurvit, Community Social Work 1, Academic Secretariat, National University of Avellaneda

Bachelor of Sociology and Professor in Middle and Higher Education in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires. Lecturer of Community Social Work 1 at the National University of Avellaneda; Lecturer and Coordinator of the Department of Social Sciences of the Institute of Education Saint Exupery, City of Buenos Aires. Researcher of the PROAPI Research Project: “Reading and writing in the initial cycle of the UNDAV”, National University of Avellaneda; and researcher of the PRIICA research project "A characterization of student heterogeneity in the universities created in Buenos Aires since 2010: the case of those entering the UNDAV", National University of Avellaneda.

Paola Viviana Pereira, Support, Retention and Permanency Program, Academic Secretariat, National University of Avellaneda

Bachelor of Arts from the University of Buenos Aires. Master in Discourse Analysis, University of Buenos Aires, ongoing (thesis writing). Professor Reading and Academic Writing workshops at the National University of Avellaneda; Professor Linguistic, Social Communication Degree at Universidad Nacional de Moreno; Instructor  Reading and Academic  Writing of the Department of Social Sciences at the National University of Quilmes and assistant in Semiology of the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires. Director of the PROAPI Research Project: “Reading and writing in the initial cycle of the UNDAV”, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda; and researcher in the project “The right to the word: glotopolitical perspective of inequalities / differences - 3” of the National University of Buenos Aires. Published articles: “The‘ temporalities ’in the manuscripts of Niní Marshall (2016); “The Galician language between Spain and Argentina, between rural and urban” (2017), “Lengua y ethos. Particularities of this relationship in the case of the Candida character of Niní Marshall ”(2018), among others.


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How to Cite
Casas, I., Gurvit, J., & Pereira, P. V. (2019). Linguistic ideologies of students entering an Argentine university. Texts in Process, 5(1), 1-15.
Working papers