Linguistic ideologies of students entering an Argentine university
This work is part of the PROAPI Research Project “Reading and writing in the initial cycle of the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda”. One of the axes developed in it is linguistic diversity in relation to academic writing processes. A significant percentage of our students are in a situation of languages in contact, they can even be considered bilingual in a broad sense (Speranza, 2012). Considering these specificities in the academic field helps prevent linguistic differences from becoming linguistic inequality with the consequence of abandonment of university studies. Therefore, in the first stage of the investigation, we conducted a survey of incoming students, whose partial result we are interested in exhibiting in this work. One of the questions was to describe with a word or phrase a list of languages that were offered in order to identify linguistic ideologies (del Valle, 2007). From the analysis carried out, it is observed that the predominant linguistic ideologies on the Quechua and Guaraní languages are built, on the one hand, in negative terms of emptiness and enigma, as an unknown terrain of which little and nothing can be said, and on the other, in terms affirmative based on the ideas of ethnicity and foreigners.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Julieta Gurvit, Ivana Casas, Paola Viviana Pereira
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