Politeness, power and solidarity: perception of university teachers on the use of the pronominal system in the classroom

  • Yliana Rodríguez Universidad de la República
Keywords: politeness., perceptions, pronominal system, Uruguayan Spanish, academic interactions


This paper studies the perception of the use of the pronominal system in classroom context of some professors from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, of the University of the Republic (Uruguay). The sample consists of 12 informants, all of them professors of the aforementioned institution. In-depth interviews were carried out in order to analyze their perceptions of the phenomenon in question. The first stage of this research seeks to study how professors address their students and vice versa, always from the professors’ perspective. The results show solidarity of the pronominal system, revealing greater preference for pronominal formulas of proximity or in their absence a combination with those of distance. The second stage of this research will look into the students’ perceptions of the same phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Yliana Rodríguez, Universidad de la República

Yliana  Rodríguez  holds  a graduate  degree  in  Linguistics  from  Universidad  de  la  República  (Uruguay),  where  she  was  also  awarded  an  MA  in  Human  Sciences.  At  present,  she  is  an  Adjunct  Professor  at  the  Foreign  Languages  Centre  in  the  Faculty  of  Humanities  of  Universidad  de  la  República.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, Y. (2018). Politeness, power and solidarity: perception of university teachers on the use of the pronominal system in the classroom. Texts in Process, 4(1), 47-60. https://doi.org/10.17710/tep.2018.4.1.3yrodriguez
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