The literary dramatic text as a corpus for historical analysis of facework activities
This paper aims to justify the use of theatre plays as valid corpus to characterize aspects of Spanish socio-cultural face, specifically the historical evolution of face work in Spanish. Literature works have not always been considered as valid corpus due to its fictional nature and stylistic purpose. However, this paper aims not only to refute these two arguments against the use of plays, but also to propose different arguments that support the use of this type of corpus. In fact, it is suggested that plays, may constitute data for pragmatic analysis because they present sociocultural implications, interactional development of the action, a wide range of communicative situations and psicopragmatic and sociolinguistic components. In order to do this, this paper provides and explains examples - from plays belonging to differents periods- and aims to show how plays constitute a valid corpus to analyse facework in the Spanish cultural community from a diachronic perspective.
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