Intensification Functions and Strategies in Conversational Narratives. An Analysis of an Oral Corpus from Cuba

Keywords: intensification, colloquial narrative, rhetorical function, social function


This article analyzes intensification of language as an evaluative strategy that is used in colloquial conversational narratives. We define intensification as a rhetorical, argumentative and social strategy for which the speaker reinforces what is said or their intention of it (Briz 1997, 1998, 2017, 2018; Albelda 2007, 2014; Albelda, Briz 2021). This study has created a methodological criteria based on the study of Albelda et al. (2014) and applied it to a corpus of colloquial conversations of the Spanish spoken in Cuba. This paper examines the functions as well as the linguistic strategies that are more relevant in the narratives. The conclusions show that the rhetorical and argumentative function is always present, since it defines the phenomenon, and the social function appears in almost half of the cases. The importance of the latter along with strengthening the personal relations amongst the group as the main goals of the narratives, reveal that the most important and recurring linguistic expressions are those that reinforce any of the figures, either of the narration process or of the story.


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How to Cite
López Calonge, L. (2023). Intensification Functions and Strategies in Conversational Narratives. An Analysis of an Oral Corpus from Cuba. Texts in Process, 9(2), 1-18.
Research papers