The power of the 'image': audio description as a key tool in the facework activities of blind people
This paper explores the possibilities offered by audio description (AD) as a key element of facework in people who are blind or visually impaired, starting from the notion of participatory observation in art (Kleege, 2018; Krantz, 2013; O’Brien Hoyt, 2013). The hypothesis to be tested is that implementing AD in art museums as a collective art experience (and not as a mere service) where the blind person is not only the recipient of “missing” content, but becomes an active participant in the interpretation of the artwork in question enhances his or her autonomy and affiliation face by fostering both individual and group empowerment and self-esteem. To test this hypothesis, the Montclair Art Museum is developing an initiative to bring art to blind people through a dialogue between sighted and non-sighted patrons. The results show that the positive social effect on the participants’ face resulting from using an interactive AD contributes to a real inclusion of blind people in the visual arts.
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