Pragmatic-rethorical resources for narratives of complaint in the social construction of identity from women displaced by political violence in Colombia

  • Yudi Herrera Núñez Universidad de La Serena
Keywords: internally displaced women, identity narratives, interactional discursive positioning theory, complaint stories


The displaced women by the political violence in Colombia not only face this human rights abuse, but they are also exposed to a poverty-stricken and they suffer stigma from the ‘reception’ communities. This investigation trying to identify the rhetoric- discursive relations of the narrative processes of the identity construction, and the approach of interactional positioning in the conversational context of an interview research. This study is based on the onto-epistemological budgets and theoretical - methodological bases of the Social Discursive Psychology, and on the approach of interactional positioning of Bamberg (1997). The sample is shaped by 17 semi-structured interviews; these are ordered thematically as statements of personal, vivid experiences of the process of the political displacement. Among the most important conclusions of this study is the one based on the main resources that, in order to build their identity, narrators used through their narratives of ‘complaint’ (Günthner, 2007). From this point of view, one might think that the widespread deployment of narrative, pragmatic, rhetorical and evaluative resources depends on the interactional goal of producing partner alignment in narratives of complaint. These preferred resources are: direct speech, using historical present tense and various evaluative resources. The narratives are taken as the main areas where co-conversationalists seek and find ways to mitigate the 'interactive problem' and make a picture of themselves in ways that are useful interactively. The narratives are understood as the principal territories where the co-conversationalists look and find forms to mitigate the 'interactive problem' and shape an image of themselves interactively useful.


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Author Biography

Yudi Herrera Núñez, Universidad de La Serena

Yudi Herrera Núñez. She has served as a Research Associate at the University of La Serena, and now as a consultant for the development of academic discourse at the University of Playa Ancha in Chile. She has done research in the field of discourse studies from a linguistic-discursive perspective and with a pragmatic orientation; in recent years, her focus of interest are conversational narratives, narrative identity and narratives elicited in the interview context, a research area connected to her research project “Narrative identities of African descent immigrants in Chile”.


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How to Cite
Herrera Núñez, Y. (2015). Pragmatic-rethorical resources for narratives of complaint in the social construction of identity from women displaced by political violence in Colombia. Texts in Process, 1(2), 472-493.