Identity, face and (im)politeness in Cartagena de India (18th century)
Dialogues emerging from an ethnic confrontation
This article forms part of the historical interpersonal pragmatics. The data belong to the rites of interaction, both in reported speech and dialogue inserted in the proceedings of a trial held in the city of Cartagena de Indias, in the late seventeenth century, and connected with the rebellion of the runaway slaves. The main objective of this paper is to show how the activity of the image is a key element for the study of interaction in a context of social and ethnic conflict. This paper chooses the sociological perspective of balance between self and society. Individuals are integrated into social figurations, with race as a factor shaping these groups and determining the identity of “blacks” as outsiders and stigmatized. Social disorder causes the anomie of participants and personal disorganization and disruption of the integration of the actions of participants (Goffman, 1961, cited by Smith 2006, pp. 33-54). Two aspects highlight in the analysis of interpersonal relation through ‘dialogues’ within this particular historical and social context. The first aspect is the dynamic nature of the conceptualization of image and image activity, since the process of communication is “co-constituting” on face-to-face interaction based on the influence exerted by precedent and consequent exchanges between the interactors (Arundale, 1999, pp. 119-153). The second aspect shows how through the analysis of the dialogic tensions the strategies of (im)politeness are connected with the social image and this is linked, in turn, with the social identity.
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