The article presents a review of the category of ethos, making a counterpoint with the materialist theory of discourse developed by Michel Pêcheux. In this regard, he proposes that enunciative theories centered on ethos grant a certain sovereignty to the enunciating "I". However, in "The evident truths" the approaches centered on the "speaker" or "enunciatorx" are problematized and it is pointed out that it is necessary to explain the way in which the individual interpellation is carried out as the subject of his speech . The formulation of a theory of Interdiscourse becomes relevant, then. This also implies paying attention to psychoanalytic theory, specifically, to reflection on the imaginary dimension that allows us to understand how the subject is constituted as a “subject of discourse”. Thus, rather than closing a debate, the materialist theory of discourse is explored and asks some questions that need to be thought through.
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