The distribution of the routine formulas of reproach within the speaker’s intervention
The main goal of this paper is to analyse the distribution of routine formulas of reproach within the intervention of the speaker, that is, the subject that utilises a specific routine formula in order to reproach previous actions of his/her interlocutor. Thus, the goal is to examine the position that a formula occupies (initial, medial, final or independent) by taking into account the conversation theory criteria proposed by the Val.Es.Co. group. We believe that the directive-expressive duality contained in the speech act of reproach is what makes the formula appear in complex utterances and syntactic environments. According to this, we could say that the most frequent position that these formulas occupy is the medial. To prove that, we have analysed three reproach formulas and 300 different examples from esTenTen18 (Spanish Web18) corpus. The preliminary results confirm our main hypothesis: the routine formulas of reproach are developed in complex reactive interventions, which implies that there is a clear tendency towards the argumentative reinforcement of the formula.
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