The cyber-attenuation of politeness in university academic environments, in Venezuela and Chile
This study describes the differentiated use of mitigation as a politeness strategy by Chilean and Venezuelan college teachers and their students when they exchange e-mails. A total of 52 e-mails were exchanged. The mitigation resources were categorized according to the mitigation level which they addressed: the propositional content, the illocutionary force and the origin of the utterance (Caffi, 1999). The analysis of the data revealed that in Venezuela, women outnumbered men in the use of mitigation resources. We agree with (Palm, 2005) that women show more of their individuality; they tend to create discursive barriers to defend their image from any invasion. At the same time they tend to decrease the social distance between themselves and their interlocutors. On the other hand, in Chile, men outnumbered women in the use of mitigation resources. We believe that men in this study tend to attenuate more because the level of demand of their messages is higher than that of women. Also, we believe that Venezuelan attenuate more than Chilean because in Venezuela the social distance between interlocutors is often reduced in some contexts. For its part, in Chile, interlocutors are more aware of social distances and respect them more often.
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