Metacommunication in the judiciary field: formulations

A proposal for cataloging and an approach to facework in institutional contexts

  • Laura Mariottini Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Keywords: orality, judicial context, metacommunication, formulations


This work is in the line of Conversation Analysis concerning institutional types of asymmetrical situations (Drew & Heritage, 1992; Orletti, 2000) and, particularly, judicial oral interactions (Mariottini, 2013a, 2013b). The aim is to investigate the uses and the interactional and social functions of the metacommunicative practices here occurring. Data proceed from COrAL – Corpus Oral de Ámbito Legal (Oral Corpus of Legal Context; Mariottini, forthcoming), composed by transcriptions of (video)recordings of oral trials, whose current extension is 22 hours and 53 minutes. The result of the qualitative analysis carried out for this article is to identify different types of formulations and to propose a classification according to interactional and social functions played by each type.


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Author Biography

Laura Mariottini, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

Laura Mariottini is a researcher and associate professor in Spanish language and translation at the Sapienza University of Rome. She has been woriking with Franca Orletti since 2002 when she started her doctoral thesis on the analysis of interactions in new electronic media from a Spanish-Italian contrastive dimension. Her research interests include pragmatics, sociolinguistics, conversation analysis and discourse analysis.


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How to Cite
Mariottini, L. (2015). Metacommunication in the judiciary field: formulations. Texts in Process, 1(1), 71-89.
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