Facework activities in the sexist expression of symbolic violence and impoliteness
This work is part of the joint project of studies on sexism between Mexico and Argentina and is the replica of the pilot study on the analysis of image activities related to behaviors that are preliminary evaluated as sexist and that could be typical of symbolic violence and impoliteness which was presented by Ariel Cordisco, Ph. D. at the XII ALED Congress in Santiago de Chile in october 2017. This replica was performed with the same analytical instrument in which it is required to detail or narrate personal experiences and then react verbally to specific hypothetical situations to evaluate the answers provided. For the application it was necessary to adapt 4 questions of the instrument to the language and contexts of Mexico. Preliminary results of the reply show that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses in the discursive categories related to personality, sexual characterization, work activity, family ties and health.
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