"A Dictionary should not close its eyes to reality". Metaphors on language and ideology within academic language columnism
The use of figurative language presupposes a high level of reflexivity about language –hence its metalinguistic nature –and always operates in a given social and linguistic context. It is this last aspect that provides an ideological dimension to the use of certain resources. Indeed, different authors (Goatly, 2007; Bernel, 2007) have highlighted the argumentative functionality of metaphors insofar as they provide a scenario of understanding –domains of origin– which, in some way, condition the way in which a certain concept is to be received by speakers. The aim of this work is to analyse the discursive functionality of metalinguistic metaphors in a corpus of texts made up of columns about language written by academic authors. The work shows the role played by metaphors as argumentative elements, the extent to which they contribute to the construction of a specific way of presenting language and, consequently, their contribution to the transmission of an imaginary about language and about the Academy that justifies the institutional activity in which they are involved.
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